Processing transactions (Shopify)

How to Process Resolve Transactions in Shopify

When a customer completes a checkout with Resolve as the payment method, Resolve authorizes a charge for the amount of the order. The charge enters a pending state on the customer's Resolve account. Authorized charges expire if you do not capture them before the capture deadline, which is a period specified in your partnership agreement with Resolve. If you did not define your authorization timing requirements because of inventory, pre-orders, or shipping time in your onboarding form, please contact your Resolve Account Manager.

After Resolve authorizes a charge, you can perform the following actions on the order in Shopify:

  • Capture

  • Cancel (Resolve: Cancel or Void Invoice)

  • Refund / Partial Refund (Resolve: Issue a Credit Note)

These actions must be taken from within Shopify (or processed automatically, by Shopify). They cannot be taken within the Resolve dashboard or via the Resolve API.


Capturing a charge does the following:

Charges the authorized amount to the customer's Resolve account. This begins the customer's billing cycle and triggers the transfer process of funds from Resolve to the merchant. Merchants typically capture a charge after fulfilling the order. We recommend auto-capturing if you usually fulfill orders within 5 business days so that the customer receives their purchase before their billing statement.

You can configure Shopify to auto-capture orders by setting Payment capture method (Settings > Payments) to 'Automatically at checkout' or 'Automatically when order is fulfilled'.


If you haven't yet captured a charge, you can cancel its authorization. Canceling a charge is irreversible and Resolve is unable to reinstate those funds.


If you've already captured a charge, you can reverse it and refund the amount to the customer's Resolve account. You can only process a refund within 120 days of capturing the charge. Refunding a charge is irreversible.

Partial refund

If you've already captured a charge, you can reverse part of the charge and refund the specified amount to the customer's Resolve account. You can only process a partial refund within 120 days of capturing the charge. Partially refunding a charge is irreversible.

Last updated